Dear Friends,
As of June 26th the Governor of our State has changed the status of Montgomery County to green. That means that, with precautions in place for everyone's safety, we are now open for worship services! I will continue live streaming a service every Sunday morning from 11:00 am to 12 pm on Facebook for those that either cannot or do not feel comfortable joining us in person for service. For those that do not have access to Facebook we will also post the videos in the new Live-stream Sermons section of our website (located under the Sermons tab). You can also check out older sermons on our YouTube channel. Keep an eye out on our social media sites for more details and updates as we have them.
Please scroll down to read a full description of the safety protocols everyone will have to follow when entering the building. Of course, if you are feeling sick we ask that you PLEASE stay home for everyone's safety.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Craig
The following is an addendum to the Safe Sanctuary Policy. This addendum will act as a policy for the reopening of the Church due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The addendum was created with the CDC recommendations and the restrictions set forth by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The Safety Committee will be responsible for any additional addendum in accordance of the CDC, local health, or Governor.
Overall objective is the safety of the members and visitors of the Church by maintaining 6 feet of safe distancing, hand washing / sanitizing, routine cleaning of the Church. On-line services will remain available for high-risk members wishing not to attend services. Cancellation or alterations to services will be communicated on Church’s Website and social media venues in a timely manner in accordance with the Session, Pastor and Safety Committee.
* The door on the 6th street side, closest to DeKalb Street (closest to the kitchen) will serve as the main entrance and exit. The emergency doors will still be utilized in the event of an emergency.
* To maintain social distancing, the sidewalk on the 6th street side will be marked with “X” 6 feet apart.
* A member of the Safety Committee will be at the door taking temperatures prior to entering the building.
* Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be permitted into the
* There will be a sanitation station and we ask members/visitors to utilize the hand sanitizer prior to entering the building. There will be face masks available for those who do not have one
* At this time, the PA Governor is requiring facial masks to be worn in public buildings
* Once in the building we ask members/visitors to proceed to the Sanctuary and choose their seat observing safe social distancing.
* Members will be asked to relocate to maintain a 6-foot distance if needed
* A second member of the Safety Committee will be in the Vestibule assisting with the Stair Chair, traffic flow, and wiping down handrails after each use.
* The committee members will communicate when it is safe for the next entry.
* There will be chairs set up in the Fellowship hall in accordance to safe distancing for
members/visitors wishing not to sit in the Sanctuary.
* Sunday school will not be available during this time and all Sunday School room doors will
remain closed.
* The CDC highly recommends no hugging, kissing, or handshakes
* Ushers for the Offering are to wear gloves and facial masks
* No sharing of equipment such as microphones
* Minimize use of printed or hand-held materials such as bulletins, hymnals, bibles, or visitor sign in book
* At the completion of the service, members/visitors will remain in their seats until dismissed by a member of the Safety Committee to maintain social distancing.
* There will be a sanitation station set up outside the Sanctuary and members are asked to
sanitize their hands prior to going downstairs. Handrails will be wiped down after each use.
* Fellowship hour will be suspended until further notice, no food or drink will be served
* After using the restrooms members/visitor must wash hands using soap and water
* In the event someone is diagnosed with COVID-19 after attending services confidentiality of the person must be maintained.
* All areas will be closed off that was used by the ill person(s) and wait 48 hours before
beginning cleaning and disinfection to minimize potential for exposure to respiratory
droplets. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
According to the CDC there are a few important reminders about Corona virus and reducing the risk of exposure:
* Corona viruses on surfaces and objects naturally die within hours to days. Warmer temperatures and exposure to sunlight will reduce the time the virus survives on surfaces and objects.
* Normal routine cleaning with soap and water removes germs and dirt from surfaces. It lowers the risks of spreading COVID-19 infection
* Disinfectants kills germs on surfaces. By killing germs on a surface after cleaning, you can further lower the risks of spreading infection.
* Always wear gloves and PPE appropriate for the chemicals being used when you are cleaning and disinfecting.
* Consider what items can be moved or removed completely to reduce the frequent handling or contact from multiple people.
Cleaning Routine
* Since the Church has been closed for more than 7 days a routine cleaning is only required prior to being open
* Frequently touched surfaces and objects that will need to be routinely disinfected are
o Tables / counter tops
o Doorknobs
o Light switches
o Handles
o Phones
o Toilets
o Sinks and faucets
o Pews
o Pew cushions (every other week w/ soap and water)
o Hymnals and Bibles covers (every other week w/ soap and water)
o Chairs
o Pillars in Fellowship hall
o Collection plates
o Organ keys
o Microphones
o Floors
* The church will be cleaned and disinfected on Monday after each service and prior to anyone entering the building
* Cleaning schedule will be revised as needed to keep in accordance with the CDC and State recommendations