Sunday School Schedule 2022-2023
PRE-K - SECOND Grade - Lesson Books C
Sept. 11th – Oct 2nd Jan. 29th - Feb. 19th
Stephanie Spangler Jamie Craig
Oct. 9th – Oct. 30th Feb. 26th - Mar. 19th
Jamie Craig Stephanie Spangler
Nov. 6th - 27th Mar. 26th - Apr. 16th
Stephanie Spangler Jamie Craig *no classes Easter Sunday
Dec. 4th – 25th Apr. 23rd - May 14th
Jamie Craig Stephanie Spangler
Jan. 1st - 22nd May 21st - Jun. 11th
Stephanie Spangler Jamie Craig
Sept. 11th – Oct 2nd Jan. 29th - Feb. 19th
Tim Spangler Tim Spangler
Oct. 9th – Oct. 30th Feb. 26th - Mar. 19th
Tim Spangler Tim Spangler
Nov. 6th - 27th Mar. 26th - Apr. 16th
Tim Spangler Tim Spangler *no classes Easter Sunday
Dec. 4th – 25th Apr. 23rd - May 14th
Tim Spangler Tim Spangler
Jan. 1st - 22nd May 21st - Jun. 11th
Tim Spangler Tim Spangler
PLEASE, if you are unable to cover your Sunday, swap with another teacher or email Steph Spangler.